Easy Gardening Care

Simple Method to grow and care Adenium plant

 Simple Method to grow and care Adenium plant

Adenium plants is also known as desert rose impala lily, this plant is very unique with beautiful flowers and striking caudex this type of plant have thick, fleshy and contain pores of water in stem. If you are willing to have a unique beauty to your garden or indoor space, than you can go for Adenium plant,

While growing adeniums may difficult for beginners, with right care and attention, you can enjoy the beauty of this unique plants in your own home. Here’s a simple guide to get you started on your adenium- growing journey.

1. Varieties-  An adenium plants have two major varieties this are –

    i. Adenium obesum – this type of adenium hance single petal, and its colour have almost pink. this adenium have five petals and arranged it into star shape.

    ii. Adenium arabicum – Its a hybrid variety of adenium plants looks like rose flower, its have multiple petals flower, the duration of this adenium is more longer than single petal adenium plant.

2. Season affection and its maintenance – this adenium is a desert plants, so its enjoy to grow with only the environment conditions like desert areas. I likes to grow on high temperature.

    Summer season – this plants blooming flowers and leaf when summers occurs. From the month of February early spring to mid summer or autumn season, this plants blooms ,flowering and leaf.

     Winter season- During winter season, season this plants takes a break to grow, from the month of October to November this adenium plants will continuously fall all the leaves and dormancy will occurs, In this month, adenium plants do not require  more water to grow, because during this season adenium plants are like sleeping and not need for food process.

3. Temperature- Adenium plant are blossoming during the hottest and rainiest month of the growing season, Adenium plants enjoy growing on minimum and maximum temperature of 40c to 48c . When the temperature are less than 30c than this plant will start on dormancy condition, All the flowers and leaf will start to fall down.

4. Choosing the right location- Adenium plants is blossoming on hot temperature region, So you have to choose the location that can receive  more sunlight throughout the day, In case if you are growing them indoors, than place them near the windows on the place that can receive sunlight, In case if you plant it outdoor gardening, place them in a location with well draining soil and protect it from strong wind.

5. Preparing soil- A good well mixture of soil is essential of adenium plant, as they responsible to root-rot if their roots sit in saturation of soil with water for too long. So, this plants require a well mixing parts of soil which has to be 50% of river sand, 25% compost mixture and 25% garden soil. This will ensure that excess water can easily drain away, keep your adenium healthy and happy.

6. Planting your adeniums- When planting adeniums, choose a container that is slightly lager than the plants current roots mass, as they prefer to be slightly grow the roots, Fill the bottom of the container with a layer of small stone, or gravel, to improve from the access water, than add the layer of potting mix on top. Gently remove the adenium from nursery pot and place it in the center of the container, Add more potting mixture around the side until the plant can securely fixed in place, after that water the soil lightly to settle it around the roots, being careful not to over water.

7. Watering and care-While adenium are a plants that has ability to survive a rising drought by containing water in their stem which maintain moisture, This plant need regular water on growing season, watering will prevent the root rot. During winter season we have to reduced the amount of watering, to prevent waterlogged soil, for that you should always check the soil, minimum and maximum 2  inch of the soil have to dry for the next watering. This season the diluted the diluted fertilizer will also balance the strength, On the other hand. during summer or growing season do water regularly, also some liquid fertilizer will promote to grow healthy.

8. Pruning and maintenance- To encourage over growth we have to remove the over growth adenium, also need to remove and check dead or yellowing leaves as well as any branches that are crossing or rubbing against each other. this will help to maintain the shape and size. but we have to protect it from pest, seder mites, aphids and treat them immediately with insecticide soap or neem oil necessary .

9. Repotting Adenium plant- This plant have to repot on during the month of October to February, It should be maintain well cutting and protect insect, pest etc.

    With this simple tips , you will be well on your way to growing healthy and beautiful adenium plants, that will brighten up your home and garden with the gorgeous blooms, so go ahead, unleash your inner garden and let the beauty of adeniums flows in your space.

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